Summer of Gaming

Hi everyone! It has been a while, hasn’t it? I hope everyone has been staying safe during these tough times. What have I been doing, you ask? Playing games, of course. And I have been playing a lot of them, too. πŸ˜‚ In this special edition of “My thoughts on…”, I am going talk about each game I have played. Some are old. Some are new. Some were fun. And some were frustrating. But in the end — I am enjoyed them (some more than others πŸ˜…).

Alright! Let’s get this started! 😊

My thoughts on…

First up!


I got the chance to play Tokyo Dark: Remembrance thanks to a good friend on Twitter. He gave me the necessary funds to purchase this game at the PSN Store. It was on sale at the time. You can probably get the game cheap now.

What is the game about? Well… I just learned that Tokyo Dark: Remembrance is an extended version of the original Tokyo Dark game. I am going to try to explain the plot without spoiling the game. I should mention this is a point and click game (this was my first time playing one). In the game, you play as Detective Itō Ayami who is searching for her partner/boyfriend, Tanaka. He suddenly went missing during an investigation. While you are investigating his disappearance, you will get your hands on a creepy mask — which holds a very dark and sinister truth behind the case. And this case will test Ayami’s sanity. It literally will


I wouldn’t say they are hard to unlock. I mean, they are pretty straightforward. It’s just that they are grind to unlock. Tokyo Dark: Remembrance has 11 endings. And you know what that means… Making saves in specific places in the game. You are going to end up doing this a lot.

Now there is no text walkthrough for the game. But if you watch this — it will help you unlock all 11 endings and the trophy_platinum. It’s a full walkthrough. He even shows where the “sacred cat statues” are. Follow the guide and you will complete the game in no time. Credit goes to Optinoob for the walkthrough.

TIP: Keep an eye on your sanity. If you lose your sanity… Well, I don’t know if it’s game over or not. But I know losing your sanity is one of the 11 endings. Must take special medication to keep yourself from losing your sanity.


Tokyo Dark: Remembrance is a visual novel as well as a point and click game. What caught my attention was the anime-inspired artwork. I know, I know… No surprise that this is reason why I wanted to play this. It is a spooky game. But it is no House In Fata Morgana. πŸ˜… Despite it being a horror game, there are some funny moments. As well as sad moments. Cannot forget about the weird moments. And there are plenty of those in the game. πŸ˜‚

Since this was my first time playing a point and click game, I did have a bit of trouble with the game’s controls. And the game drags a bit — especially when you are going for all 11 endings. But I still thought the story was interesting. If you are either a fan of anime or horror, you should check this game out. You can get this game for 20 bucks at the PSN Store right now.

Again, I want to thank my friend on Twitter for giving me the chance to play this game. It didn’t disappoint. It was different. And there’s nothing wrong with that. 😁

And next up is…


Fun Fact: Hershel Greene and Glenn Rhee appear in the game’s First Season. Yeah, the same characters who were in the comics and the show that airs on AMC every Sunday.

I played the first two seasons on the Vita back in mid-00’s. FINALLY! I had the chance to play the last two seasons. And I wasn’t disappointed. I am not going to talk much about the game’s plot. I mean… It’s the Walking Dead. What is there to say? Survive the Zombie Apocalypse. And zombies aren’t the only threats you must face. Again, this is the Walking Dead.

In the Definitive Edition, you get all four seasons of the series. Of course, you can purchase each season individually at the PSN Store. And it is this series that will introduce you to the titular character, Clementine. Telltale did an amazing job in telling her story. I am not going to spoil it. You should play it for yourself. I dare say this story is better the show’s. And that’s saying something. πŸ˜…

Since this is a Telltale game, the choices you make will have consequences. These choices will carry over through all the episodes. And they will also carry over through all four seasons. So choose wisely… 😈


Okay, the first three seasons’ trophies are simple. You just need to complete each episode in each season to unlock theΒ  trophy_platinum for those three seasons. Now Season Four is a different story. Not only must you complete each episode — but you must also complete certain tasks in each episode.

Use this to help you doing these tasks. Follow this and the trophy_platinum for the Final Season is yours. Credit goes to for the guide.


Okay, I know I am being pretty vague about the series’ plot. But as I said, this is a series you need to play for yourself. Each season is great. Well, the third season is my least favorite. I didn’t like that Clementine was reduced to a supportive character in that season. Call me bias. πŸ˜… Still… Each season delivers. Might even find yourself shedding a tear or two before completing the series. Especially after Season One. 😭

If you are a fan of the Walking Dead, you should definitely play this. Or if you are in search for a game with good storytelling, then this game is for you. 😊

Onto the next game…


Never seen the movie. Never played a LEGO video game either. Got it for free since I am a PS Plus Member. So I decided to purchase/download it. And I have been a bit curious about the LEGO games.

So… What is it about? You play as the ninjas and their sensei, Master Wu. It’s your duty to defend your home island of Ninjago from the evil Lord Garmadon and his Shark Army. And that’s pretty much the entire game.


It’s pretty easy to unlock the trophy_platinum. Actually, it’s a bit of a grind to get it. I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND you doing the challenges first before going after the collectibles. Doing this will unlock characters that you are going to need to collect certain collectibles. But other than that — they are still easy to unlock.

If you are having trouble locating the game’s collectibles — there are YouTube videos that can help you. But I personally used these. I found them helpful. Credit goes to packattack04082. Of course, you don’t have to use these. Just a suggestion. πŸ™‚


For my first LEGO game, I thought it was a little fun game. Nothing too serious. It is definitely a game you can play after completing an emotional game like the Walking Dead. It is a children’s game. Well… I cannot say that. I know adults enjoy these games, too. Basically, it is just a lighthearted game.

I did notice a few glitches in the game. Sometimes the side missions would disappear from a level and you would have to restart the game for it to reappear. What else? πŸ€” OH! It crashed on me a few times. Just glad it didn’t corrupt my save files. And it does get repetitive at times. But what game isn’t? πŸ˜…

Okay, okay… I know all that sounds bad. But it isn’t. Unless, you are a serious trophy hunter and focus on getting the trophy_platinum. You might find it tedious. Still… You should play this if you need a break from a frustrating game. But if you are a fan of the LEGO games, you will no doubt like this one. Same goes for the fans of the Ninjago show. Did I mention it’s an easy (and a bit grindy) trophy_platinum? 😁

Onto the next game…


What do you get it when you have a young attorney, a spirit medium and courtroom shenanigans? It means you’re playing the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy. πŸ˜‚ I never played any of the Ace Attorney games in the series — until now. And I enjoyed every moment of it. It is such a fun game. Its characters are equally fun. I laughed so much while I was playing this. πŸ˜‚

In the Ace Attorney Trilogy, you play as young defense attorney, Phoenix Wright (or Nick as his friends like to call him πŸ˜…), and defend your clients of crimes they have been falsely accused of. It is so much fun. I know I already said that — but it is! I enjoyed doing the investigation parts in the game. It’s here that you gather information and evidence. But the most fun part about these investigations are talking to the witnesses, especially Detective Gumshoe (Dick Gumshoe, and yes, that’s his name πŸ˜‚). Let’s just say they are some “interesting” characters. And don’t get me started on courtroom trials. Now that’s when the real fun starts. Oh man… I don’t want to spoil it. It’s just so funny. It is something you have to witness for yourself. As you might’ve guessed, you must get your client declared “Not Guilty”. And that’s pretty much the game.

FUN FACT: When you get a “Not Guilty” verdict, you are rewarded with a round of applauds and a confetti shower. And this all happens in the courtroom. πŸ˜‚


If you can stop laughing for a second (πŸ˜…) — you will notice this is an easy trophy_platinum. Well, there are a few missable trophies. But! Follow this guide and you should unlock every single one of them without any problems. Credit goes to for the guide.


Phoenix Wright is a very fun visual novel. Each episode gets better. I actually didn’t want to stop playing the game. I had to find out what happens next. It is just that good. But you know… It reminds me of the anime/manga, Case Closed. And that’s not a bad thing. It’s one of my favorite anime. πŸ˜„

I would recommend this game to anyone who likes mysteries and courtroom anime. As I said, it is just that good. Or if you have ever been curious about the Phoenix Wright games — then this is the perfect starting point. I just learned the trilogy consists of the first three games of the series. Now if Capcom can re-release the other games… 🀞 Just give it a chance. You won’t regret it. You will be too busy laughing to do so. πŸ˜‚


Onto the next game…


I didn’t know what to expect from this game. I actually won this in a giveaway. I was also looking for something to play after completing Phoenix Wright. Another reason why I chose this is because I saw a lot of gamers tweeting good things about it. What can I say? It piqued my curiosity. And they were right. Maneater is surprisingly a cool game. More surprising is the fact that it has an actual story. I mean… I was expecting a game where you play as a shark that devours everything in your path. But it is actually more to it than that.

You start off as baby shark (or pup) with an interesting origin story. And it’s a very interesting one. I don’t want to spoil it. It’s a good story. But it’s as I said. You play as a shark that must devour everything in your path in order to evolve into a Mega Shark. Of course, you will encounter predators of the ocean. OH! Cannot forget about the “shark hunters”! But there’s one particular Cajun shark hunter you must watch out for. Both you and him have history. And I am going to leave it at. 😈

Did I forget to mention that a film crew for a reality television show follows the Cajun shark hunter as he hunts you? If I am being honest, it’s the narrator that makes Maneater such a blast to play. Just listening to him spout out random tidbits about the ocean as you devour some poor human… I dunno. It just makes the game more fun. πŸ˜‚


Most of them are related to collectibles. While there are others related to devouring predators of the ocean and “shark hunters”. But it’s an easy trophy_platinum. Now I am not sure if the developers have resolved this issue yet — but there’s a glitch in a game that might prevent you from getting the trophy_platinum. Gamers have reported that they couldn’t unlock the “Queen of the Ocean” trophy. In order to get this you must reach 100% objective completion in all regions. Gamers were stuck at 99% even though they have completed everything. Turns out you need to unlock three gates located in three specific regions. Unlock those and you should get it.

Don’t worry about the collectibles. Most of them are in plain sight. Still I would suggest you wait until you evolve into a Mega Shark. It will make getting the collectibles easier. But if you’re still having trouble getting every collectible… Remember that YouTube is your friend. πŸ˜„

FUN FACT: Maneater has plenty of Easter Eggs in it. I lost count on how many there are. Again, this game is so much fun. πŸ˜‚


Maneater surprised me. I didn’t think I would enjoy this game as much I did. I thought I would easily get bored with it. It should’ve been repetitive. And it wasn’t. Okay, yes, the main objective of the game is to devour everything and evolve into a Mega Shark. But the game’s developer made it fun. I also think the narrator was another reason for this. He is really funny.

If you’ve always wondered what it would be like to be shark… Or better yet, if you just love sharks, you should definitely play this game.

I can see Maneater becoming a SYFY original movie. I mean, it’s the same channel that brought us the Sharknado movies. I betcha it’s going to happen sooner or later. Just watch. πŸ˜‚

Onto the last game…


Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1… Man, this was a frustrating game to play. I haven’t fully played one of his games since Mega Man 3 back in the NES days. I did try to play the Mega Man Anniversary Collection on the PS2. But I ended up traded it in for store credit at Gamestop. I just couldn’t get into it. And they were hard. I mean, I could even clear the first stage in the original Mega Man. Guess I just suck at these kinds of games. πŸ˜…

Why play this, then? I can’t tell you. Still not sure why I wanted to play this. Could I have wanted to challenge myself? I dunno. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ But playing this made me remember how frustrating Mega Man is. I came close to quitting so many times. Heck, I even came close to doing the unthinkable — “Share Play”.Β  But I didn’t. I stuck with it and completed each game in the collection.


If you’re familiar with the Mega Man X series, you will remember that these games were released on the SNES. And this was my first time playing these games. I learned that these games take place many years after the original Mega Man games. You play as X, a Maverick Hunter. He’s considered stronger than Mega Man. No more Dr. Wily and his robot minions. Now you must stop Stigma and his Mavericks from wiping out all humanity. And that’s pretty much the story in each game.

You probably notice I have been saying “each game” a lot. Well, the first four Mega Man X games are in Collection 1. While the last four are in Collection 2. And I am not going to play this. Well, not right now, anyways. I might play it one day. Or in a year… πŸ˜…


I wouldn’t necessarily say they are hard. I wouldn’t say they are easy either. You can get most of them with cheats or playing each game on Rookie Hunter Mode (Easy Mode). But you still need to complete the games on Normal. OH! You cannot switch between difficulties during a playthrough! Doing so will cancel out the difficulty related trophies for each game. I would recommend you complete the games on Normal first before going after the other trophies. But then again, you can try getting them all on Normal. It’s totally up to you.

Here are the cheats to the first four Mega Man X games. Credit goes to kage2347. As for walkthroughs — there are a lot of them on YouTube. But I personally recommend the ones that MegaQuint, PinkKittyRose, LordCloudStrife and TheNemesisGamer have done. If you follow those walkthroughs, you will get the trophy_platinum.

TIP: It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED you change “Dash” from the Circle Button to R1 Button in Options. It will make the game easier.


I am not going to lie. I didn’t have a good time playing these. It frustrated me so much. I had a real hard time doing the platforming in the game — especially when I was getting the upgrades, heart containers, sub tanks and other secrets. Only time I was happy was when the trophy_platinum popped on my screen.

Defeating the Mavericks weren’t too hard. Well, as long as you defeat them in the correct order. Now the Stigma boss fights were the most frustrating. His first form(s) is easy (if you learned the secret power moves or if you possessed Zero’s Z-Sabre, that is). But once Stigma takes his second (or third form), you must shoot him in the head. Any place else and you are dead. Like I said — frustrating.

Okay, if you are a fan of the Mega Man/Mega Man X games, you will definitely enjoy these. Or if you are looking for a challenging retro game — this collection is for you. But if you are looking for an easy trophy_platinum, you should look elsewhere for that. It’s a rager. I mean, I would stay away from this game if you’re not a patient gamer.

But if you decide to play this…


Since I completed all these games, you know what that means…

  • Tokyo Dark: Remembrance
  • The Walking Dead Definitive Edition
  • The LEGO Ninjago Movie Video Game
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy
  • Maneater
  • Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1